3.1ST - 3.21TH 2006 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM









Born and raised in the loess plateau adjacent to the central Qinghai Plateau, seemingly in his early life nostalgia for the simple and vigorous loess plateau and broad and extensive Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permeated the artist¡¯s being.

With the artist having been integrated in the Tibetan area for a long period of time, in his paintings we intimately come to understand Tibetan culture through the diverse but rarely appearing richness of the region¡¯s vast and ecological environment, and at the same time through the particularity of the geography, as well as its varied history, displaying unequalled uniqueness and mysteriousness.Chen paints Tibetan domestic architecture, dress, food, married life, taboo as well as innumerable celebratory activities and traditions that permeate the blood in the veins of the Tibetan people, and epics and song and dance, invariably revealing his extraordinary artistic creativity.The paintings¡¯ temples, the red walls, gold top and prayer drum, tall and erect sutra banner and the ever-turning prayer barrel, the arrow on top of that mountain, innumerable ¡®mani¡¯ stones as well as the long hair knocking against bodies and the passing followers invariably shake your body position in the painting and you are deeply attracted to all that is in front of your eyes: what do a sutra banner, a mani flag, a piece of mani stone seem to tell us?It is as if language is superfluous; it is just heart to heart communication.Confronting everything in front of your eyes, it is not really the Tibetan nationality that we see; it surpasses the boundaries of the region as if only the cosmos is everything.Just as outside the circle one appreciates all of the beautiful scenery inside the circle, using a kind of differentiating distance to express the rich and distinct feelings, the vast and mysterious painting border, the world and myriad things are seemingly endowed with spirit¡­

The artist painted these works in the more than 10 years that he was learning from experience, from specific feelings to feelings of abstract emotion of a kind of sublimity existing in his deep understanding and intuition of plateau culture.He draws support from the meaning of the special symbols of the Tibetan banners, arrow and wheel, as well as the vastness and immensity of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau¡¯s empty space, using simple, everyday materials, a modern technique and pure artistic language to express his profound understanding of Tibetan culture, as well as its mysterious and vast, barren universe.You could say this is a pure person¡¯s spiritual world, where forgetting one¡¯s boundaries you hinge instead on the painter¡¯s innermost intuition of his soul¡­







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